Tyler Tools

Code of Conduct

Before starting, be aware we have a Code of Conduct for all contributions made on mod.io and in our community:

Use respectful and welcoming language and imagery

Be respectful of differing viewpoint and experiences

Show empathy toward others in and outside of the community

Gracefully accept constructive criticism

We do not tolerate: The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances

The targeting, with the intention to harass, specific groups for their body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

How to install

Tyler Tools requires Unity 2019.3.0b7, which can be installed here: https://unity3d.com/unity/beta/2019.3.0b7

Once Unity is installed, download the latest Tyler Tools package from https://spacetronaut.itch.io/mischief-night

Create a fresh Unity project with Universal RP as its template. Install Post Processing and Probuilder from Window > Package Manager.

Import the .unitypackage using Assets > Import Package > Custom Package.

Creating new mods and switching mods

2019-10-27 19_26_39-Tyler-issues - test - PC, Mac & Linux Standalone - Unity 2019.3.0b7 Trial Versio.png To create a new mod, go to Mod Tools > Create > New Mod and name your mod.

2019-10-27 19_27_35-Tyler-issues - test - PC, Mac & Linux Standalone - Unity 2019.3.0b7 Trial Versio.png To switch mods, open Mod Tools > Export Settings and change the “Active Profile”

Releasing Mods on Mod.io

First you need to build and test you mod (please please test before releasing) Go to Mod Tools > Build Mod. Once this is complete, Unity will open the folder the mod is contained in. Copy this file to “/Mischief Night_Data/Mods” and load the game. The mod will appear in the main menu and you can play it from there.

Once you’re done confirming that your mod works, go to https://mischiefnight.mod.io/ and click the + at the top of the page and follow the instructions!

Common Questions and Issues

Can I make a mod that is just an addon, and not a whole level?

Yes! Put your mod inside a folder named “addon” inside the Mods folder, and the mod will be loaded alongside the level when the game starts.

The House and Tyler House prefabs are missing their geometry, what gives?

2019-10-27 19_23_14-Tyler-issues - test - PC, Mac & Linux Standalone - Unity 2019.3.0b7 Trial Versio.png If you see this, there’s nothing wrong with your install! Just open the prefab by clicking the little arrow next to the house object in the hierarchy, then find the “Mesh Renderer” on the main object, and click the check mark off then on, and return to your scene. All of the houses should work now.

Still having issues? Email abrower@spacetronaut.co or post on the board available at https://spacetronaut.itch.io/mischief-night/community